Obtained by me personally at a charity product in Northern Indiana in 2008 for a benefit Has been framed ever since and stored away. ls signed John Mellencamp, shows posing in a chair, photo inside the promo photo of 8 x 10 is actually 7 1/2 x 7. Publicity photograph by Marc Hauser, name imprint at lower margin. Shows representation by Hoffman Entertainment and phone number. Signature in black ink marker. Perfect gift for the Mellencamp lover. As a side note, we used to go see him in Bloomington when he was just getting started and knew he had something special. P.S. Buyer/buyder fraud is investigated and pursued with the tenacity of Interpol. If you are even thinking of being dishonest, returning a different item, claiming you never got it when you did, or some stranger mysteriously not only knows your credit card numbers but your eCRATER and PayPal passwords and is buying things on your account ---(statistically the same odds as Powerball !) —— then you should be very afraid of me. Honest buyers are loved and rewarded